Wednesday, July 22, 2009

floranium lamp

here is a picture of one of the floranium prototypes. More at

1 comment:

  1. I have a floranium lamp at the desk where I work which I have named Sally. While I'm sitting at the computer, Sally is usually green or blue. When I return from an absence of 3-30 minutes Sally will turn orange/red for about 5 minutes and slowly fade into blue or green.

    Sally has been in the red/orange today. When my kids stopped by the office today they were very excited to play with the plant Sally was attached to. They blew on the plant which changed Sally from red to light orange and put thier hands around the leaf the electrode was on which turned Sally pink or purple. As the plant Sally was attached to was on the dry side, I watered the plant and Sally instantly turned blue and changed back to red over the next 3 minutes.
